If you've been following my words, thanks a lot. I really appreciated writing Historias da Lawrence University and I definitely learned a lot. Now let me introduce you to my new blog: Rebecca Carvalho. I hope I'll see you there.

segunda-feira, 11 de abril de 2011

Capitulo 43 - Tornado Watch - Part II

Today, in class, everyone was talking about the tornado that hit Appleton last night. I am posting a video I found on YouTube and the last section of it shows what Neenah, a town around 16 minutes away from Appleton, looked like yesterday. The weather today seems unstable, but in general the winds were very strong throughout the whole day. Earlier this afternoon it was sunny, but right now a huge mass of gray clouds are taking over the sky. I wonder if we'll have a repetition of yesterday. I seriously hope not!

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