If you've been following my words, thanks a lot. I really appreciated writing Historias da Lawrence University and I definitely learned a lot. Now let me introduce you to my new blog: Rebecca Carvalho. I hope I'll see you there.

quarta-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2010

Merry Christmas!

When I was little my uncle Eduardo used to tell me stories every night. Thanks to him, perhaps, I grew up so fond of books... of day-dreaming... and turned out to become a writer myself -- a writer, let's be frank, who still has a lot to learn! This quick post, however, is not about my poor grammar. It is about my uncle's stories! Actually, it is more specifically about a certain story... a certain -- as I like to call it -- reverie told around Christmas.

If you did not remember (or didn't think it could be possible), in December it is summer time in Brazil. In cities like my dear Recife we listen to and sing "White Christmas" during this time of the year, but the song (alas!) has no real meaning other than imagining -- or rather, like Bing Crosby would have said, dreaming of... -- what Christmas is like in places like where I now find myself. Summer nights in Brazil have clear, bright skies. The breeze is cool and constantly inviting family gatherings outside.

Uncle Eduardo was known for his loud laughter that could be heard miles away, but during summer nights, when we sat outside contemplating the sky, he knew how to say just the right words in a very small and powerful dose of imagination and get both of us in silent reverie for hours. "The stars are windows and if you pay attention you will be able to see people walking by them on the other side of the sky", he would say to me. Once I could swear I saw Santa Claus walking by one of those windows, his red clothes shining through the glass. Santa waived at me and I waved back. We would stay in that state, silently observing the sky, our upturned faces lit by the moon and our own dreams, until someone joined us and mentioned how the sky looked beautiful that month. We would smile and agree.

Merry Christmas to you!

terça-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2010

Terca-feira a Noite

Terca-feira a noite. Ja eh quase quarta-feira e Michael e eu ainda estamos acordados. Ele esta sentado perto da bancada tentando escrever um paper para a aula dele comparando Macbeth e The Tempest, de Shakespeare. As aulas dele ainda nao terminaram e as provas finais sao na mesma semana do Natal.

Eu estou por aqui, em ferias, sentada numa bean bag logo abaixo de uma lampada alta, lendo um artigo e outro na internet, pensando na vida e principalmente pensando no meu novo livro. Espero estar com tudo pronto antes do dia 23. Hoje eu passei o dia inteiro escrevendo e agora estou tentando colocar as ideias em ordem para amanha.

Nao sei a que horas vou dormir, mas vou ficando por aqui para dar apoio moral a Michael.


sábado, 4 de dezembro de 2010

It's Snowing!!!

A primeira neve do ano! Hoje pela manha, quando olhamos pela janela aqui em Madison, foi o que vimos. Nevou a madrugada inteira e no video voce ainda pode ver floquinhos miudos caindo do ceu.

No fundo voce escutara Michael no computador jogando Starcraft... :)

Abracos a todos no Brasil e boas festas!

quinta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2010

Capitulo 37 -- Fim do Outono


Ja faz tanto tempo que eu nao escrevo um post (e ja faz tanto tempo que esse post nao eh em Portugues). Hoje, no entanto, me deu vontade de sentar e escrever na minha lingua materna, mesmo nao tendo tanto o que dizer...

Essa eh a penultima semana de aulas e agora falta muito pouco ate o fim do fall term. O outono passou rapido! A ideia de que nao terei mais "fall terms" na Lawrence me alegra de certo modo. Como voces ja sabem estou contando os meses para a minha formatura, e embora a vida la fora seja mais complicada... eu acho que eu estou pronta para comecar a trabalhar, sim.

Eu ainda nao sei se poderei voltar ao Brasil para o Natal, mas por enquanto o plano principal eh estar em Madison, com Michael. Embora o periodo seja de descanso, temos alguns projetos por terminar durante as ferias de inverno. Se voce estiver por perto, venha nos visitar! Madison eh conhecida pelas guerras de bola de neve entre os dormitorios do campus. Ano passado, para quem lembrar, eu fui testemunha do campo de batalha! Caso nao nos vejamos nesse fim de ano... boas festas!

Abracos saudosos dessa cidadezinha gelada em Wisconsin!

domingo, 17 de outubro de 2010

Capitulo 36 -- ...and I am so busy this year!

Dear friends, how are you? I am sorry it's been a while since my last post, but it is my Senior year at Lawrence University and that literally means that my life is... crazy! I see lots of homework assignments piling up every day and on top of that I am juggling with both the writing of my last novel and my honors project on alternative journalism.

I had to find time, though, to say how I am doing and to hear from you. In general I think I am fine and I am positive I will survive this academic year. I can't wait to be done with school and the very nature of being stressfully busy means that time is flying! It is already October! Very soon Christmas will be here and then, when I least expect, it will be warm again and time to wear a graduation gown.

The sad part, though, is that I find myself being recently somewhat detached from society. When I am not working, I'm in my room writing as much as I can and trying to catch up with my reading. It's been somewhat lonely, but thanks to my boyfriend I've got a few precious opportunities to hang out and see that there's a world out there. I have to make sure I don't end up neglecting the friend I've made here -- I am not sure they need me, but I do need them!

That's all I have to say for now... and, Jeez, it is already late. I should probably start getting ready to go to bed. Tomorrow I've got lots to do! See you soon -- hopefully -- and don't let school take over your life, OK?. I'm looking forward to my Winter break and by then, who knows, I'll be a lot closer to making my dream of becoming a published author come true. Fingers crossed!

sábado, 11 de setembro de 2010

Capitulo 35 -- Senior Year!

My dear friends,

I am back and it is quite exciting to think that this is my Senior year at Lawrence University! To be honest I can't wait to be done. I really want to start right away my career as a journalist and a writer, but knowing myself I think I will miss these Lawrentian days. This year I'll pay extra attention to everyone and everything just to try to develop stronger memories for when I'm feeling blue during my life outside the bubble.

These days I've been busy working as a residence advisor and getting to know the freshmen. They are very nice kids and extremely talented. There's also the group of Japanese students from Waseda University and other exchange students -- I can tell one can expect great things from them.

Last weekend we were playing Kohler (Hall) Clue and all RAs spread around the building. I stayed in my room, so the new students would know where to find an RA. The game going on in my place was Harry Potter trivia and I even wore a hat... pretending to be a witch myself. I am quite impressed that one of my residents knows absolutely everything about Rowling's series. He knew the answers to so many questions right away!

That's it for now, but very soon, once I get my routine settled, I will be posting more stories, so stay tuned.

sábado, 19 de junho de 2010

Gustavo's Graduation

At Lawrence University, when it is almost time to graduate, international students get emails asking them to help with the pronunciation of their names. My dear compatriot, Gustavo, graduated last week. He told me that he actually called the provost and explained that his last name was Portuguese, therefore a little bit complicated to pronounce.

See, Gustavo's full name is Gustavo Cavalcanti Guimaraes. I also am a Cavalcanti (de Carvalho), and I know how difficult it is for them to say "Cavalcanti".

No, that wasn't the problem", told me Gustavo. "He pronounced 'Cavalcanti' well..." and then he smiled. He continued: "You don't know what I did... I had to do something... I was there waiting for my turn to be called and when he called me he said... 'Gustavo Cavalcanti GOSTOSO'".

Only a few people understood the joke. ("Gustavo, I didn't know your last name was pronounced like that..."). Ah, Gustavo is impossible! I don't know when I'll see him again, but I am sure he'll have a great life and I will hear a lot about his success.

Congratulations, Gustavo! We'll miss you!

P.S. "Gostoso" is common slang in Brazil meaning "hot"!

"Are You a Rebecca or a Becca?"

"Are you a Rebecca or a Becca?", asked me a lady who I was serving yesterday during the first dinner I was covering. To be honest I did not know exactly what to say; in the middle of a busy event somebody comes to me asking one of those philosophical questions that nobody could deeply respond: who are you? what am I? I just shrugged and said a bit uncertain "Um... Both, I guess!".

I had never stopped to think about the complexity of names and nicknames. In Brazil I usually introduce myself as Rebecca, but here in the U.S. I've found myself simply saying "I'm Becca". My mother always calls me Becca and a few friends in Brazil, but the great majority of people -- even the ones I know since I was a baby -- is more inclined to call me Rebecca. I was used to these formalities, but when I moved to Wisconsin and started studying at Lawrence it was really amusing to hear my professors simply calling me Becca.

Maybe when my life split into two and I left home this new part of me had to have a different name, and that's why today sounds weird to me to be called by my real name. When I visit Recife perhaps I'll find odd to be called Becca occasionally. I think I will have to deal with being a Rebecca and a Becca at the same time...

sexta-feira, 18 de junho de 2010

Where Is Rebecca?

Hey guys!

I am sorry it's been a while since my last post, but I wanted to let you know that I am alive and doing fine this summer. The 2009-10 academic year is over, but I am still at Lawrence University working a lot to save money. By the way, I have Senior standing now! Weird... and exciting!

Every day I get up at 5:00 AM and work until 2:30 PM cleaning the residence halls and a few other buildings. Next Monday I will be at the Music-Drama Center, if you want to show up and say hello to a tired worker who needs support and encouragement. Today I am working for the catering department, serving during a few events over Reunion week. The good news is that a few friends will be working with me during the same shift, and that is absolutely comforting.

On Sunday I am moving out! I will be living with my friend Mya Win at her friendship family's house not very far from campus. They went to Ecuador and needed someone to water their plants and feed a little blue parakeet, Sky. Isn't that wonderful? Free housing is the best thing ever!

I will let you know more details about my life and what's going on, soon. I am still editing my book, and hopefully I will get a literary agent interested in it. I can't wait to get my work published and become an official writer!

Well, I hope all is well with you guys. Let me know how's life been treating you and if you have fun plans for this summer / winter / depends on where you are.

-- Becca

quinta-feira, 8 de abril de 2010

Capitulo 34 - Spring... Where? (Part II)

...and today, ladies and gentlemen, snow-white Winter came visit us at Lawrence. Our grounds woke this morning covered in pure white snow! I wonder what happened to poor Spring weather.

I love this place..!

quarta-feira, 7 de abril de 2010

Capitulo 33 - Spring... Where?

My fellow Lawrentians are all disappointed. When you live in Wisconsin the most awaited season is not even Summer -- it is Spring, oh yes; when, after a long period of snow and freezing cold nose, hands, and feet, we are supposed to start experiencing sunny days, warmness, and the first opportunities to stay outside. Well, the Spring season started a few weeks ago, though what we have today are the cloudiest days I've experienced here so far.

It is very windy, too. Sometimes I just feel like I will be blown away down to the Fox river. This epic thought, actually, really kept my imagination working for hours one of these days when I felt like the cool breeze was pushing me away.

To be honest it is not as bad as you're probably imagining. Yesterday, when I was on duty sitting behind the front desk, I had fun watching students walking in and out of the building. During rainy seasons people tend to get really creative, and everything counts to protect your head (especially your hair) from getting wet. I saw a Chinese girl leaving the lobby with a newspaper on her head, because she had left her umbrella with a friend. Another girl was courageous enough to walk all the way back again to the 4th floor, where she lives, to get a coat to cover her hair -- she complained, complained, and complained some more... but she went upstairs anyways.

Happy Spring, Wisconsin!

quinta-feira, 25 de março de 2010

Thank You, Mr Shaw!

It is not fair that two of the people I've always admired had to go a long trip. I don't know when I'll see them again, but I am positive the beginning of their journey in a better world doesn't mean the end of their lives here: they will always live through the great memories we have of them.

This week my dear friend, Mr Dennis Shaw, passed away. I've heard about his great personality even before I became a Youth Ambassador, and finally in 2007 we met in person. Unfortunately Mr Shaw was not the team leader of my group of YAs, but talking with him even for a few minutes made me understand why everybody seemed so fond of him.

Later that same year we met in Ouro Preto - MG, Brazil, during a conference hosted by Partners of the Americas. Mr Shaw shined, among many people, as a sun. He had more energy than everybody together, and a heart bigger than the country he was visiting.

Thank you very much, Mr Shaw. I will never forget your supportive words and how you called me "Rebecca-zinha". I will never forget your smile and your sincere tears, your genuine affection, and your laughter. You became my second grandfather, and I will hold you in my memories as such.

quarta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2010

Capitulo 32 - Recife and Wisconsin, Together.

When you are an international student what is the best thing that could happen? Well, now that I think about this question I can actually make a gigantic list of wonderful things that [international] students want to happen in their lives... However, let's just pretend there's only ONE amazing thing we're always expecting to find: some kind of representation from home even when we are far away.

Even the most independent traveler would agree that deep in his heart it's always comforting to find the flag of his country, a restaurant or random stores selling goods from his culture, during his trips. If this traveler is lucky enough to meet compatriots, it certainly means a 5-minute celebration of his heritage with people who back at home would be, ironically, mere strangers.

Today when I went to my Rationality of Terrorism class I was surprised to find a guy wearing a shirt from Recife, my homeland. He was giving his opinion on the chapters we started studying this week, and I must confess I totally lost track of what he was explaining, and focused all my attention on the picture of a shark on his shirt. For a second Recife and all its culture and inside jokes came to Appleton, this freezing small town in Wisconsin. The shark was saying "Te pego na volta!", which means "I'll get you when you come back!". Even if you understand Portuguese, and you're not a person from Recife, it would be hard to figure out why a shark would be saying that to someone who had visited [specifically] Recife.

Back at home we started having serious problems with shark attacks, and whoever visits Recife gets scared when finding those lovely sharks warning signs along the coast of some of our main beaches. Some [stupid] courageous people challenge those signs, go swimming, and lose a leg, or maybe an arm, to our hungry sharks. One needs to be very 'tough' to visit Recife, actually, and if you're a tourist nothing better than a "I've visited Recife and survived" type of shirt that my fellow classmate was wearing to prove his superior courage to everyone else.

I was very glad to find someone bringing Recife to my class, which made my day. I even talked with that boy, who at another circumstance would just [or PROBABLY NOT] look at me, smile with his eyes, and recognize that at some point in his Lawrence life I took a Government class with him. This type of recognition actually goes both ways. But now everything will be different, because we both know the meaning of the shirt he was wearing, and even if after today we don't find more reasons to talk with each other, we will always share the same cultural knowledge: if you ever visit Recife, READ THE SIGNS!

segunda-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2010

Thank You, Miep!

"It seems as if we're never far from Miep's thoughts"
(Anne Frank)

Today when I checked the news I was surprised to find out that Miep Gies passed away today, January 11, at the age of 100. Born in Vienna, Miep moved to Amsterdam, where she met Otto Frank and started working at Opekta, Otto's company.

Miep was a great friend of the Franks, and helped hide them from the Gestapo and the SS officers when her friends were threatened to be sent to concentration camps. She was one of the angels who visited them regularly in the "Secret Annex" bringing groceries; clothes; and, above all, hope in better days.

When the Franks were found hiding and were sent to Westerbork, Miep saved Anne Frank's diaries and, without reading them, kept them safe to be given back to Anne the day she returned. Anne, unfortunately, perished in Bergen-Belsen. When Otto came back to Amsterdam, the only one of his family who had survived, Miep presented Anne's diaries to him.

Thank you very much, Miep. Thank you for your generosity and unconditional love. Thank you for being this fair, kind, extraordinary human being, who broke every barrier of prejudice and saw people's hearts. God bless you, and I pray that He will keep your name fresh and strong reminding mankind that we must do our best to maintain this world a just and peaceful place.

domingo, 10 de janeiro de 2010

Capitulo 31 - Uma ou Duas Licoes Sobre Seguranca Pessoal

Nao importa o local, seja la onde voce morar sempre ouvira: mantenha sua porta trancada, por via das duvidas. A licao vale mesmo para as cidades mais seguras, e as instituicoes mais socialmente conscientes, porque existem dias ruins que modificam as mentes mais puras, e tambem imprevistos casos de cleptomania.

Se a minha missao como jornalista eh alertar e influenciar positivamente, o farei. Dessa vez falo por experiencia propria, ignorando nomes e datas deliberadamente. Espero sinceramente que voce leia a seguinte historia, e tire suas proprias conclusoes com a mentalidade esperada de alguem que sabe discernir entre o que eh certo ou errado, ou o que eh inconveniente e o que nao eh.

Como brasileira, se voce me permite o justo uso da minha nacionalidade, de uma cidade grande aprendi a nao confiar em ninguem nem em circunstancias. Aprendi a observar mais, ouvir mais, e falar o necessario dependendo do quao confortavel a situacao era para mim. Fechando-me em mim mesma, segui a mesma regra para minha vida social: olhos sempre abertos, mochilas sempre comigo, portas trancadas mesmo que eu estivesse deixando o ambiente apenas por uns poucos segundos. Talvez eu seja medrosa, mesmo -- mas a minha seguranca eh um bem que cultivo cuidadosamente como um floricultor perfeccionista.

Outro dia estava eu sentada a minha escrivaninha, ja tarde da noite, os fones de ouvido abafando a maioria dos sons externos. Minha mesa, que antes estava na parte sul do meu quarto, virada para a janela, teve que ser mudada para o norte por conta da fiacao da internet, e gracas ao Michael, que empurrou moveis para la e para ca, agora estudo ao lado da minha porta. Se eu tivesse visao de raio-X viria o corredor e os residentes passando ocasionalmente aos seus quartos, seguindo para as aulas, ou simplesmente visitando uns aos outros.

Em determinado momento ouvi sons do lado de fora, mas nao pude discernir o que falavam. Para a minha surpresa, no entanto, vi a porta estremecer como se alguem nela estivesse se apoiando. O meu cerebro parou de ouvir a musica que eu escutava, e a minha total atencao focou na macaneta da porta, que mexeu seguidamente em tentativas frustradas pois, como sempre, eu trazia o meu quarto trancado. Nesses momentos parece que os pensamentos fogem para longe, porque o organismo se prepara principalmente para respostas instintivas; mas assim que o peso sobre a porta afastou-se ruidosamente, meu primeiro pensamento foi:

"Oh my God!!! Paranormal Activity... Zombieland... The Sixth Sense...!!!" -- eu altamente recomendo os filmes citados, os dois primeiros assisti durante o meu winter break e deixou minha imaginacao extremamente agucada.

Quando eu finalmente lembrei que Miss Havisham (o fantasma de uma ex-aluna da Lawrence University) mora no sotao do Ormsby Hall e nao teria razoes para vir assombrar os residentes do Trever Hall, levantei-me da minha cadeira. Ataques de zumbis tambem era uma opcao bastante improvavel, e mesmo com o coracao na mao, abri a porta com ares de quem desafiava seja la quem houvesse tentado abrir meu quarto sem permissao. Erro #1: Eu nao espiei pelo olho magico, o que teria me dado a opcao de (1) enxergar a mascara do Panico parada diante da minha porta; (2) visto um outro olho me espiando de volta; (3) qualquer outra alternativa que voce achar mais assustadora. Erro #2: Quem disse que eu estava em condicoes de desafiar alguem? Todas as tentativas do Michael em me ensinar defesa pessoal mostraram-se frustradas diante da minha pouca tecnica e vulnerabilidade.

Olhei para os dois lados do comprido corredor onde moro, e estavam vazios. Antes que mais fantasmas pudessem vir assombrar minha imaginacao, percebi que uma das portas um pouco adiante estava aberta. Seja la quem houvesse tentado abrir a minha porta, devia ter feito o mesmo com aquele outro quarto. Minhas suspeitavas foram comprovadas: Uma garota fora de si, bebada, encontrara a primeira porta destrancada e entrara no quarto achando ser o seu. Os amigos dela, sobrios, a alertavam de que ali nao era o seu quarto, e no escuro a puchavam do beliche para o qual ela tentava subir. Sorte a dela que os amigos estavam por perto, nao acham?

Como residence advisor do predio a segui por mais alguns minutos observando a serie de encrencas em que ela se meteu por nao saber discernir o mundo em que estava. Finalmente ela foi encaminhada ao proprio quarto, e os amigos ficaram de plantao esperando que ela adormecesse. Novamente, sorte a dela que os amigos estavam por perto. Eu consigo imaginar uma serie de problemas caso ela estivesse sozinha... e voce? Sorte, tambem, de quem mantem a porta trancada.

Eu acho que dessa historia todos podemos aprender importantes licoes: saiba controlar o quanto bebe; e, por via das duvidas, mantenha a porta trancada, afinal de contas nunca se sabe quem pode tentar entrar no seu quarto no meio da noite.

domingo, 3 de janeiro de 2010

Capitulo 30 - Faz Frio em Appleton

Ola, feliz Ano Novo!

Ja estou de volta a Lawrence University apos ferias de inverno bastante razoaveis. Como nao fiquei no campus, como voces sabem, estive visitando algumas cidades aqui nos Estados Unidos, e nem sequer ousei desfazer as malas. Em todos os momentos estava eu pronta para mais uma aventura.

Gostaria de agradecer aos Kozak, minha friendship family, que me acolheu a maior parte do tempo na fazenda deles em Black Creek, e tambem me proporcionaram duas viagens memoraveis a Chicago. Eu vi a antiga Sears Tower, mas o que mais me impressionou foi avistar o predio do Chicago Tribune..!

Tambem foi muito legal passar a virada do ano com o Michael e o Jake. Ganhei um cheesecake do Eli's Cheesecake World; o Michael ganhou uma apple pie da mae dele; entao passamos o final do ano comendo doces. Brindamos com agua, filmei os meninos brincando com fogos, e assisti 500 Days of Summer no cinema!!

Ontem retornei a Appleton, e o Michael e eu nos surpreendemos com o frio terrivel que esta fazendo aqui. Para dormir, fora tres camadas de lencois, tive que me cobrir com meus casacos. Faz frio em Appleton, e amanha comecam as minhas aulas. O Winter Term promete grandes novidades... contarei tudo a voces em breve!